Focus Five #33: Time Management, Stories, Google Grants, Stats... and a Tropical Island
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash
Focus Five is all about sharing. We love sharing. Here are some interesting articles we’ve enjoyed this week.
Grab a cuppa, take five, and enjoy.
This is our last post until September as we’re going to take a bit of time to reflect, relax and rejuvenate after the crazy few last months! Hope you all get some time to recharge too.
See you again in September!
Time Management Tips of Insanely Busy People
Noah Kagan
Noah Kagan knows what he’s talking about. The Chief Sumo at Sumo, employee #30 at Facebook, #4 at Mint, and worked at Intel. Busy! In this article, he explores what the calendars of entrepreneurs and famous VIPs look like. Learn the time management skills of ultra-successful people.
How to Tell a Compelling Brand Story [Guide + Examples]
To strengthen your creative muscle and write a compelling brand story, HubSpot goes through the fundamentals of brand story structure. They share case studies of three small-to-medium sized businesses that have leveraged their brand story to resonate with huge audiences. A great read!
3 Tips to Get More Free Traffic from Google Ad Grants
Google Ad Grants accounts for nonprofits have their limitations. In this blog, WordStream takes us through three workarounds to help you get the most out of your ads, including mobile app extensions, Dynamic Search Ads, and automated bidding.
Stats Roundup: Coronavirus Impact on Marketing, Ecommerce & Advertising [Updated]
To help marketers keep on top of what the coronavirus pandemic means for them, Econsultancy has been collecting together the most valuable and impactful stats in this regularly-updated roundup. For example, 35% of all UK online purchases during lockdown were made via Amazon. We’re not surprised!
4K HDR Tropical Beach - Gentle Ocean Wave Sounds - Peaceful Wild Island - Relaxing Nature Video
Let’s end with something very, very, very soothing. Relax with the total tranquillity of this pristine tropical beach and the sound of the crystal clear ocean waters gently lapping over the sandy shore of this wild exotic island. And breathe out….
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