Digital Marketing Consultancy - Focus Mode

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Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls

You’re a purpose-driven brand on a mission to do good.

You’ve got a great product and a wonderful business... so where are all your customers?

You know you’ve got something amazing to offer, but you’re not gaining the traction you desperately want.

 Why do you think that is?

  • Are you getting enough traffic to your website?

  • Are you driving enough high-quality leads?

  • Are you converting those leads into sales?

  • Are you getting repeat purchases?

If not, your marketing could do with some TLC… no, not the American R&B pop group who sang the song this post is titled after (sorry for that!).

You need Traffic, Leads and Customers. In that order.

There are hundreds of marketing techniques and business strategies you could try — some work. Most don’t.

But, you must have one or two strategies for driving consistent traffic to your website (at the very least). Then, you must have a plan for turning that traffic into new leads. Finally, you must have a method for generating new sales or customers from those leads.

Constantly ask yourself: Will this help me increase traffic? Generate more leads? Get more customers?

This will help your planning.

Remember the post “Will It Make The Boat Go Faster?

The TLC model fits that philosophy perfectly.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Choose a tactic or two for driving traffic (SEO, Content, PPC and Social Media are good for this).

  2. Create something of enormous value that will entice people to sign-up to your email list or follow you on social media (preferably both). Then, you can keep talking to them. ‘Guides’ and ‘How To’s’ are great for this. These become your lead generators.

  3. Provide ongoing relevant content and messaging with an easy to use website (and mobile experience) to help turn those qualified leads into customers.

Theory is easy. Execution is tougher.

When you align your marketing strategy around these three core pillars, you’ll have a much clearer way of thinking about how you prioritise your work.

We hope it proves of use!

P.S. We first heard of the ‘TLC’ model from the brilliant James Wedmore. Check his site out!

P.P.S. If you liked this post and would like to know more about how we can help you grow your business, get in touch to book a 100% FREE no-obligation 30-Minute Strategy Session Call.

Get in touch with your contact details, company name, and website address. We’ll send you a short questionnaire that we ask you to complete before the call so we can make the best use of your valuable time.