Answer Engine Optimisation (AEO) for B2Bs - how to get AIs to reference your content in their results


In the rapidly changing world of digital marketing, ambitious businesses are actively seeking effective strategies to improve their visibility in search engine results for relevant queries.

With virtual assistants and voice search technologies like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant becoming more ingrained in our daily routines, users are increasingly phrasing their searches as questions.  

This shift demands a strategic response from businesses: to create content that not only ranks well but also directly answers these queries, positioning themselves as the featured snippet or answer box at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs) and in the responses given by Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistants.

While Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has been the cornerstone of digital marketing efforts for years, the impact of Artificial AI and changes in user behaviour have paved the way for an evolved approach: Answer Engine Optimisation (AEO).

What is Answer Engine Optimisation (AEO)?

AEO is like writing a cheat sheet for AI helpers. You craft content that directly answers the questions people ask voice assistants and chatbots. This makes your content highly-readable and easy for them to understand.

By knowing what users are asking, you can tailor your content strategy to their needs. This ensures your content hits the mark – it answers user questions and builds trust in your brand. 

AEO builds on traditional SEO by optimising content to answer questions directly within SERPs and be referenced by AI generators such as Microsoft Copilot, Google Gemini, and ChatGPT.

The importance of using AEO in your digital marketing cannot be overstated.

With the global SEO market projected to reach a staggering USD 122.11 billion by 2028, integrating AEO practices offers a promising avenue for B2B companies to capture and engage their target audiences more effectively.

This approach is not just about driving traffic; it provides value, establishes authority, and enhances user experience by delivering precise answers to their specific questions.

However, navigating AEO comes with both challenges and opportunities.

The dynamic nature of search algorithms means there's no one-size-fits-all solution to securing that coveted spot in the answer box. Yet the potential rewards - increased visibility, credibility, and direct engagement with prospective clients - make it worth pursuing.

As we go deeper into the intricacies of AEO, it becomes clear that it isn't merely an extension of SEO; it's a pivotal component of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy in the AI era.

Understanding and implementing AEO is advantageous for B2Bs looking to thrive in this ever changing marketplace.

The evolution of search: from SEO to AEO

Over the last few decades, digital marketing has witnessed a paradigm shift.

It has evolved from simple website optimisation for search engines to sophisticated strategies catering to AI's nuances and changing user behaviours.

This journey from SEO to AEO marks a significant milestone in how businesses approach online visibility and user engagement.

Historically, SEO focused on optimising websites to rank higher in the SERPs by leveraging keywords, building backlinks, and enhancing website structure.

However, the advent of high-speed internet and the proliferation of mobile devices have transformed users' interactions with search engines.

Today, searches are increasingly conducted via voice commands through virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, leading to a surge in question-based queries.

This shift underscores the importance of AEO, which aims to answer these queries directly within SERPs.

The emergence of AEO is a direct response to the advancements in AI and machine learning technologies that power modern search engines. These technologies help search engines better understand and process natural language queries, prioritising direct answers to users’ questions over traditional search listings.

Consequently, the global SEO market is expanding to include AEO strategies, reflecting the growing demand for personalised user experiences and immediate information retrieval.

The transition from SEO to AEO represents more than just a change in optimisation techniques; it signifies a broader shift towards creating relevant, authoritative content precisely aligned with the intent behind users’ questions.

For B2B companies, adapting to this change means reevaluating their content strategies to focus on clarity, relevance, and the ability to provide concise answers that search engines can easily recognise and present to users.

AEO does not replace SEO but complements it.

Together, they form a comprehensive approach to digital marketing, ensuring businesses can effectively reach and engage their target audience in an increasingly AI-driven world.

Understanding how AIs generate answers

The core of AEO lies in understanding how AI and machine learning algorithms generate answers to user queries.

These technologies have revolutionised search engines, transforming them from mere information repositories into intelligent systems capable of accurately understanding and responding to natural language questions.

AI-driven search engines and virtual assistants rely on natural language processing (NLP) to decipher a query's intent. NLP allows these systems to break down questions into their parts, identify vital phrases and context, and match these elements against a vast index of web content to find the most relevant answers.

This process involves sophisticated algorithms that analyse content for factors such as relevance, authority, and user engagement metrics to determine which pieces are most likely to provide users with the direct answers they seek.

Moreover, these AI systems continually learn from user interactions. Each query processed and every feedback loop, whether through click-through rates or direct user inputs, helps refine their understanding of what constitutes a valuable answer.

This learning process enables search engines to adapt over time, improving their ability to provide concise and accurate responses to an ever-widening array of questions.

For B2B companies, leveraging this understanding means optimising content for keywords and questions their target audience will likely ask.

This involves creating content that directly addresses these queries and structuring it so AI systems can easily interpret it as a potential answer.

It also means ensuring that the content is authoritative and informative, as these are vital criteria AIs use to select answers.

Grasping how AIs generate answers is crucial for effective AEO.

By aligning content strategies with the operational mechanisms of AI and NLP, businesses can improve their visibility in SERPs and become the go-to source for direct, actionable information.

This drives brand awareness, trust, and establishes the company as a thought leader.

The strategic importance of AEO for B2Bs

For B2Bs, where the decision-making process is intricate and information-driven, AEO emerges as a strategic imperative.

B2B buyers seek detailed, accurate information to inform their purchasing decisions. This journey often begins with increasingly question-based search queries, making AEO an essential component of a B2B company's digital marketing strategy.

The strategic importance of AEO in the B2B landscape is multifaceted.

First, AEO directly aligns with the intent of providing immediate, authoritative answers to complex queries. By optimising content to answer specific questions, B2B companies can position themselves as thought leaders in their industry. This improves their visibility in SERPs and builds trust with potential clients who value expertise and reliability in their business partners.

AEO also supports a more personalised user experience. As AI and machine learning technologies become more sophisticated, they can deliver tailored results that meet searchers' precise needs.

For B2B companies, this means an opportunity to reach highly targeted audiences with content that addresses their specific concerns and challenges.

Finally, the rise of voice search and virtual assistants further underscores the strategic importance of AEO. B2B buyers using voice search seek quick, accurate answers to their questions.

Optimising for AEO enables companies to be more accessible through these emerging channels, enhancing their ability to engage with clients in the moments that matter most.

AEO is not just an SEO trend but a strategic necessity for B2B companies aiming to successfully navigate the digital marketplace's complexities.

By prioritising direct answers and leveraging the latest search technology, B2B marketers can significantly improve their online presence and, ultimately, secure more business growth.

How to optimise your B2B content to appear in AI chatbot results

B2B companies must adapt content marketing strategies to remain competitive and visible in AI-driven search results.

Optimising your content for AEO involves a blend of technical SEO, a deep understanding of your audience’s needs, and crafting content that directly addresses those needs.

Here are key strategies to ensure your B2B content is optimised for AIs:

  • Prioritise high-quality, informative content: The foundation of AEO is content that answers questions comprehensively and accurately. Focus on creating detailed articles, blog posts, and whitepapers that address specific questions your target audience might have. Use industry insights, data, and expert opinions to add depth and authority to your content. High-quality content appeals to AI algorithms and establishes your brand as a thought leader in your sector.

  • Utilise structured data: Structured data markup, such as, helps search engines understand the context of your content. By tagging elements of your content (such as FAQs, product information, and company details), you make it easier for AI engines to parse and present your content as direct answers in SERPs. This improves your chances of securing featured snippets and enhances visibility in voice searches and virtual assistants.

  • Optimise for question-based queries: Reflect on the questions your B2B audience will likely ask at different stages of their buyer’s journey. Incorporate these queries into your content headings and throughout your text. Tools like AnswerThePublic and SEMrush can help identify common questions. Crafting content that mirrors these queries ensures your answers are aligned with the search intent.

  • Leverage FAQs and knowledge bases: An organised FAQ section or a comprehensive knowledge base can be goldmines for AEO. They provide concise, direct answers to common questions, making them ideal for featured snippets and voice search results. Update these resources regularly to reflect new trends, questions, and solutions relevant to your industry.

  • Embrace voice search optimisation: With the rise of voice search, optimising your content for conversational queries is essential. Voice searches are often longer and more specific than typed queries. Incorporate natural, spoken language into your content and focus on long-tail keywords that reflect how people speak rather than type.

  • Monitor and adapt to algorithm changes: AI and search algorithms constantly evolve. Stay ahead of the latest trends and algorithm updates from major search engines. Use analytics to monitor how changes affect your content’s performance and adapt your strategies accordingly.

  • Encourage external citations and links: AI engines consider the authority and credibility of content when choosing answers. Encourage reputable external sites to link to your content. Guest blogging, partnerships, and producing research that others want to cite can improve your site’s authority and the likelihood of being chosen as the best answer.

  • Analyse competitor performance: Examine how competitors’ content performs in AEO contexts. Identify gaps in their strategies and areas where your content can provide better, more comprehensive answers. Competitive analysis tools can provide insights into the types of questions your competitors are ranking for, offering opportunities for your content to fill those gaps.

Implementing these strategies requires a nuanced approach, blending the art of content creation with the science of SEO.

By focusing on your audience's needs and how AI engines interpret content, B2B companies can improve their visibility in search results, drive meaningful engagement, and ultimately convert interest into actionable business outcomes.

Adapting to AEO is about keeping pace with technological advancements and seizing the opportunity to provide value where your audience is searching for it.

Improving visibility through featured snippets and the answer box

In AEO, securing a position in featured snippets and the answer box should be a goal for many B2Bs.

These prominent positions in the SERPs boost visibility and establish a company’s authority and expertise in its field.

Here are strategic approaches to enhance your visibility through featured snippets and answers:

  • Optimise content for featured snippets: Featured snippets are selected search results featured on top of Google's organic results below the ads in a box. To optimise for these, structure your content in a clear, answer-focused format. Use headings to pose common questions, followed by concise, informative answers. Bullet points, numbered lists, and tables are also practical formats that Google often pulls into featured snippets.

  • Employ the inverted pyramid writing style: Begin your content with the most critical information, answering the query as directly as possible. Then, provide supporting details and background information. This structure caters to Google’s preference for displaying direct answers in featured snippets and users’ desire for immediate information.

  • Utilise Q&A pages effectively: Develop a comprehensive Q&A or FAQ page that addresses common questions in your industry. Each question and answer pair should be clear and concise and offer value to the reader. Ensure that these pages are easily navigable and indexed by search engines.

  • Target long-tail keyword phrases: Long-tail keywords, which are more specific and often longer than commonly used, mimic the natural language queries used in voice and specific searches. Optimising content for these phrases increases the chances of selecting your content for featured snippets, as they closely match users' queries.

  • Monitor your snippet performance: Use tools like Google Search Console to monitor which queries bring up your site in featured snippets. Analyse the performance of these snippets in driving traffic to your site and adapt your strategy accordingly. Experiment with different content formats and structures to find the best for your target queries.

By focusing on these strategies, B2B companies can significantly improve their online visibility and credibility.

Featured snippets and rich answers drive targeted traffic to your website and position your brand as the go-to source for information in your industry, leveraging AEO to its full potential.

Leveraging social media and external platforms for AEO

Leveraging social media and external platforms is an effective way for B2B companies to enhance their visibility and authority within their AEO strategy.

These platforms extend the reach of your content and amplify its impact beyond traditional search engines.

  • Social media optimisation: Utilise social media platforms to share content that answers industry-relevant questions. Platforms like LinkedIn are particularly valuable for B2B companies. By sharing insightful articles, infographics, and videos addressing common queries, you can drive engagement and direct traffic to your website. Additionally, participating in industry-related groups and discussions helps position your brand as an authority.

  • Content syndication: Publishing your content on external sites can increase its reach and the likelihood of being picked up by answer engines. Platforms like Medium and industry-specific forums are excellent places for syndication. Syndicated content should link back to the original piece on your website to drive traffic and improve search rankings.

  • Collaboration with influencers: Partnering with industry influencers for content creation and distribution can significantly boost your content’s visibility. Influencers can help disseminate your content to a broader audience, increasing its chances of being recognised by answer engines.

By strategically using social media and external platforms, B2B companies can significantly improve their content’s reach, engagement, and effectiveness in AEO.

This approach enhances online visibility and fosters trust and credibility within the target audience.

Measuring AEO success and adjusting strategies

Understanding the impact of your AEO efforts is crucial. Measuring success and refining strategies ensures your business remains agile and competitive.

Here’s how to track AEO performance and make data-driven adjustments:

  • Monitor featured snippet occupancy: Use analytics tools to track when your content captures a featured snippet in SERPs. Note the frequency, duration, and the specific queries that trigger your snippet’s appearance. An increase in snippet occupancy indicates successful AEO, as your content is recognised as providing direct, valuable answers.

  • Analyse traffic from organic search: While featured snippets and direct answers may sometimes lead to lower click-through rates, as users get the information they need directly in SERPs, observe overall traffic trends from organic search. An effective AEO strategy should see an increase in qualified traffic as your content more accurately meets the users' search intent.

  • Evaluate engagement metrics: Assess the engagement of visitors coming through AEO efforts beyond traffic. Metrics like bounce rate, pages per session, and average session duration can indicate whether your content meets user needs. Improved engagement suggests that your AEO strategies attract more interested and relevant audiences.

  • Track conversion rates: Like any marketing effort, AEO aims to contribute to business objectives. Monitor conversion rates from users who interact with your AEO-optimised content. Conversions, whether they fill out a contact form, download a whitepaper, or complete a purchase, are a tangible measure of AEO's success.

  • Adjust based on insights: Armed with data, refine your AEO strategies. Experiment with different formats, question types, and content depths based on what resonates with your audience and search engines. Stay adaptable, continually testing and learning to optimise your AEO approach.

Measuring AEO's success is an ongoing process.

By closely monitoring performance, engaging with analytics, and being willing to adapt, B2B marketers can fine-tune their strategies to thrive in the dynamic landscape of search and answer engines.

Conclusion: embracing AEO for B2B success

The evolution from SEO to AEO signals a shift in digital marketing that B2B companies cannot ignore.

Integrating AEO with traditional SEO practices provides a holistic approach to online visibility and user engagement. For B2Bs, this presents an opportunity to amplify their digital footprint and solidify their position as trusted authorities within their industries.

By investing in AEO, businesses can navigate the complexities of the AI-driven search landscape and precisely meet their audience's needs.

The future of digital marketing is upon us, and AEO is a significant part of it.

AEO is a continuous journey, not a destination. By relentlessly monitoring performance, gleaning insights from analytics, and demonstrating unwavering adaptability, B2B marketers can refine their strategies to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of search and answer engines.

This proactive approach supports long-term success, keeps your brand visible, and helps to solidify your position as a thought leader in your industry.

The future is bright for B2B companies that embrace AEO – are you ready to embark on this exciting journey?


If you’d like to discuss how to incorporate AEO into your B2B marketing, we’d love to hear about your goals and objectives.


  • AEO is like writing a cheat sheet for AI helpers. You craft content that directly answers the questions people ask voice assistants and chatbots. This makes your content super-readable and easy for them to understand.

    AEO builds on traditional SEO by optimising content to answer questions directly within search engine results pages (SERPs) and be referenced by AI generators such as Microsoft Copilot, Google Gemini, and ChatGPT.

  • SEO and AEO are complementary strategies for achieving search engine visibility. Traditional SEO aims to improve rankings, while AEO focuses on providing direct answers to user queries, often employing long-tail keywords and concise content.

    By excelling in AEO, your website can establish authority and potentially secure featured snippets, enhancing user satisfaction and knowledge.

  • Prioritise user experience by crafting succinct, informative responses that precisely address queries, using bullet points and clear structures for easy digestion. Support claims with credible facts and statistics, embrace long-tail keywords and question-based phrases, and incorporate visuals to maintain engagement.

    By following these AEO content guidelines, effectively address user inquiries, enhance website credibility, and potentially secure a featured snippet in search results.

  • Success in AEO relies on grasping user search intentions and providing accurate answers through top-quality, well-researched content. Utilising long-tail keywords aligned with these queries enhances strategic positioning.

    Structure content thoughtfully for readability, mastering these elements to establish credibility and potentially secure a featured snippet in search results.

  • Enhance AEO efforts with suitable tools: Use free options like Google Keyword Planner for long-tail keywords and Answer the Public for user question insights.

    Invest in paid tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush for comprehensive research, and employ Surfer SEO or Yoast SEO for content optimisation.

    Ensure clarity with Grammarly or Hemingway Editor, use Canva or Visme for visual content, and track progress via Google Search Console.

    Remember, your expertise and understanding of audience queries remain invaluable assets alongside these tools.

Neil CainsComment